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Our Guarantee to you


The Good Governance Party has big, bold ideas to create a confident, caring and prosperous Ghana that we can all be proud of. We aren’t afraid to hope for a better future or to be honest about how we get there. We believe in being truthful and  brave, in speaking our minds and in standing up for what matters. We are proud to do politics differently.


Imagine a government that trusts in our common humanity and our capacity to govern ourselves properly. Imagine a government that believes that the best way forward is by working with each other, rather than against each other. Imagine a government that priorities the rights of citizens and the environment over those of corporations. Imagine a government that gives everyone a chance and leaves nobody behind in a confident and caring Ghana. Imagine a country in which everything works and ticks properly. Imagine a country of good governance and leadership by example. That’s the kind of government we would work for.


This is what the GGP MPs and government promise to do for you and the people and places that you love.


-We will campaign for bad legislative policies to be either updated or scraped and to lower the voting age to 18 years.

-We will push for genuinely affordable homes for everyone and a public health & educational system free for all.

-We will fight for equality, and for a society where nobody is left behind.

-We will always act strongly on environmental issues here at home and to protect our natural resources.

-We will stand up for what matters. This is our Guarantee to you.

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